Holiday celebrations look a little different this year, but the lights still shine bright and decorations glimmer — you can’t keep the festive spirit of the season totally under wraps. Health and safety precautions will be in place; check all websites for updates, cancellations and more information.
Holiday Lights Spectacular Vitruvian Park Addison
While there will be no special events this year, you can still enjoy the colorful lights wrapped around more than 550 trees at this annual display. Walk — leashed pets, strollers and wagons are welcome — or drive through the park, which is lit 5-11 p.m. daily. Free parking available at nearby lots.
Nov. 27-Jan. 3; 3875 Ponte Ave., Addison, udr.com/vitruvian-park/vitruvian-park-events
Southlake Town Square
Expect the usual decorations in and around the square, but this year’s tree-lighting event is virtual and is scheduled Nov. 21. Get more information at visitsouthlaketexas.com.
Holidays at the Arboretum Dallas
The 12 Days of Christmas and Christmas Village return to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Don’t miss the Victorian-style gazebos, each decorated to represent the 12 days, from golden rings to drummers drumming. Check out the European-style houses in the holiday village, each decorated and featuring shop owners passing out treats. Santa, of course, has his own abode. In the evening — admission and dates differ from daytime events — more than a million lights add festive twinkle to the exhibits and the gardens.
Nov. 7-Dec. 31; 8525 Garland Road, dallasarboretum.org
Luminova Holidays Arlington
Globe Life Park is the site of the world premiere of this holiday attraction. The new event promises not only a “light extravaganza,” but a 10,000-square-foot ice-skating pond, indoor and outdoor entertainment, food and seasonal beverages and, yes, Santa is part of the attraction, too. Arlington also was the home of Enchant Christmas, which took place in 2017 and 2018 and featured a massive light maze, among other popular attractions. Luminova looks like it will outshine that popular attraction, which didn’t return due to Globe Life’s ongoing construction in 2019. Safety protocols limit tickets sold.
Nov. 20-Jan. 3; 1000 Ballpark Way, Arlington, luminovaholidays.com
Christmas Markets Keller
The Keller Farmers Market hosts a pair of holiday happenings at town hall featuring the city’s Christmas tree, vendors offering handmade holiday goodies including food and gifts, caroling and more.
8 a.m.-noon Dec. 5; 5-9 p.m. Dec. 6; 1100 Bear Creek Parkway, facebook.com/kellerfarmersmarket/events
Texas Christkindl Market Arlington
The Texas Christkindl Market, the popular open-air market, takes place online only this year with shopping, video cooking demonstrations, live performances and more.
Nov. 27-Dec. 23; txchristkindlmarket.com
Christmas Capital of Texas Grapevine
The city that really embraces the holidays has hundreds of events planned for the season, including many annual favorites: North Pole Express, classic movies at the Palace Theatre and multiple family attractions at the Gaylord Texan Resort (planned are indoor snow tubing, ice skating and an interactive pop-up experience that allows you to be part of Christmas movies such as Elf and A Christmas Story). Tickets and seating are limited because of health and safety issues; check the websites for updates on all events, along with dates and ticket information.
• Holiday happenings grapevinetexasusa.com/christmas-capital-of-texas
• Palace Theatre grapevinetexasusa.com/palace-theatre/movies
• Gaylord Texan christmasatgaylordtexan.com