The Little Free Library movement hasn’t slowed down, and we’re all the better for it. This global book-sharing initiative is supported by a nonprofit that has spawned more than 100,000 LFLs. We spotted this one and noted that it not only offers books but also a bucolic view. Instead of sitting streetside like most, it’s located on a shaded nature trail and creek near the intersection of Longford Drive and Wyndsor Creek Drive in Timarron. Residents there have an active book club, and young mothers organized a book exchange during the pandemic lockdown, so the LFL project was a welcome one. After ordering a kit from the LFL (littlefreelibrary.org), receiving financial backing from neighbors, securing HOA approval and finding a neighborhood dad to volunteer to build and install it, organizers saw the library become reality this past spring. The LFL sits at one of the entry points for the trail, which is popular with runners, cyclists and dog walkers. A walk in the park and then a pause to pick up a little reading for later? Sounds like the perfect day to us.
Photo by Meda Kessler